Kubernetes Basic Terminology Explained

Kubernetes Basic Terminology Explained


2 min read

Before you get to know how kubernetes work, its essential to understand some of the basic terms used in its ecosystem.


A Pod is one of the simplest and smallest of all the k8s components. Typically a Pod will contain a single primary container, but that's not always the case.

Node/Worker Node:

A Node is a worker machine that performs the tasks assigned by the control plane/master node. The worker node consists of Kubelet, an agent necessary to run the pod, Kube-proxy maintaining the networking rules and allowing communication and the Container runtime is to run the containers.


A group of nodes controlled by a master node, is a cluster. Every cluster has atleast one worker node.

Control plane/ Master Node:

The control plane in kubernetes manages the overall state of the cluster. The control plane consists of kube-apiserver to expose the kubernetes API, etcd which is a key-value data store, kube-scheduler which watches over unassigned pods and assign them to a node and finally kube-controller-manager containing all the controller function of the control plane.


A namespace is a grouping of resouces within a cluster that are scoped together, which allows you to then define security controls based on the boundary of that.


A deployment is which manages the set of pods to run an application workload. This includes container image and number of replicas to run. Modifying the deployment will automatically scale the replicaset as required.


A replicaset is used as a pod template for creating new pods whenever existing one fails and a replica count for maintaining the desired number of replicas that the controller is supposed to keep running.


A service in kubernetes is used to expose pods to the network. They allow defined access to pods either within your cluster or externally which can be managed using different types of services.


Command line tool for communicating with a kubernetes cluster's control plane via the kubernetes API.


Kubernetes objects with sensitive data stored such as a password or token should be stored as a secret. So that you can avoid sensitive information in your application code.


To get you started on the right foot, I have compiled a list of some Kubernetes basic terms. This certainly isn’t the end of a K8s dictionary, but it should give you enough to get started on your K8s journey.

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